Last night we found ourselves at Rumba Cafe. Now, this wasn't necessarily a show, considering that nobody really did "show" up, except for the bands... and what a gang we all made. Never before have I left somewhere with my muscles a-flutter with such excitement.  We were immersed in a pool of energy and enthusiasm, from which my fingers are still wrinkled as I type this blog. 

On a whim Dillon and I decided to ask our good friend Kyle Davis of the Devil Doves to sit in with us for the set. His freaky fluidity and rhythm hopped up the performance to another level, and we were blessed to have him play with us. When I expressed disappointment in the turnout, Kyle leaned over and simply reminded me, "Every gig has a purpose." 

This comment has been on my mind steadily since we left Rumba last night. The absence of the crowd made this less of a gig and more of a networking party, a symposium of earth-love vibrations that had every fellow musician in the room buzzing with chatter.  When we arrived it took no more than a handshake to become friends with everyone. By the end of the night, we were all hastily exchanging numbers, show dates, business cards, and music.  

And believe me, this music is something to get excited about. I have spent my morning in a four hour haul to Indiana, during which the music of last night was repeatedly cycled through the car stereo. A listen to Little War Twins, then a run of Graves' cassette tape, then on to Last of the Wildmen's very-well produced full length, then back around again. My head has been swimming in the sounds of the night. The most pleasant surprise of the event was the fact that all of the bands were related in many ways. The Imaginary Friends began the night with energetic folk tunes, our lyrical content was mirrored at times by that of Little War Twins, with us both singing of star-gazing and the power that can be found in releasing oneself to something greater than oneself. Last of the Wildmen carried our folk base and layered shoegaze guitar effects and a driving bass line on top, pushing the energy through the roof. When the Little War Twins took the stage, they picked up the energy and ran, giving us all a reason to dance. Fully entranced by their performance, Graves drove us deeper into our minds with their great, droning riffs and delicate chord progressions. Both Graves and Little War Twins utilized loops and prerecorded material as an accompaniment, achieving an incredibly full sound despite there only being two people in each group. Between the tools we use (acoustic guitars, loops) to the things that inspire us (space, small town life, fear and love) everyone had something in common with everyone else. 

One thing that was never absent from the night was passion. Rumba Cafe was full of inspired and dedicated young men and women, living like they were dreaming, and trying to get that much closer to who they really are. We are dreamers, carrying on a tradition of gazing at the sky, or staring at the floor and writing down our thoughts. These expressions are echoes of others' fear and inspiration, of other people's thoughts and feelings. The whole event has left me so at peace. Dillon exclaimed to me during a set, "We are not alone!" It is a peaceful thought, and now I know it's true.

During the flurry of conversation held just before the show, Gaetana of the Little War Twins said something along the lines of, "I feel like we are some kind of distant family members, like we are related."  

The best way to respond is to simply ask, "well aren't we?"

Definitely check out these bands and give them some love, I am pretty sure both Last of the Wildmen and Little War Twins are going to be touring all the way to the west coast soon. LOOK THEM UP AND SEE THEM LIVE!!!

Little War Twins (On Tour)

Last of the Wildmen (Soon to be on tour)

Graves. (Local Columbus Band)

The Devil Doves (Badass good friends of the Friends, Kyle Davis sat in with us last night!)

When the band gets paid for their performance in a keg of beer, it is nessesary for at least one band member to do a keg stand for 20 seconds or more, especially if the beer is a mystery.

    The Imaginary Friends

    This is worth talking about!


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